The thumb rule of better married life is given here.
All these factors will be affected when the planet Mars is posited in the Lagna or 1st, 4th house, 7th house, 8th house, 12th house and even in the 2nd house as per the rules prevailing in South India.
So, the calculation here says you need to take other factors to predict all about shaadi, though Mars has a significant role in destroying your married life.

- Good health
- Power of buying the household products to lead an easy and sophisticated life.
- The availability of the products that is required in the modern lifestyle such as television, refrigerator, vehicles, washing machines, smart phones, music systems and all other modern gadgets.
- Life span and safety from unwanted incidents like calamity and assaults etc.
- Mutual sexual pleasure
Marriage is an important event in life. The matrimonial bonding is not only a relationship but also a biological necessity. Hence, it is extremely important to look before you leap.
The consultation for the marriage with an astrologer should not only start with assessing the birth chart or marriage time and life prediction but also the remedial measures for all sorts of problem by a savant of astrology.