Is Kundli Matching Necessary For Hindu Marriage
The traditional approach to marriages/shaadi emphasizes on Kundli matching for successful marriages. Nevertheless, we see many marriages approved by Kundli matching fail while many marriages violating the Kundli matching succeed. Therefore, these two questions haunt many rational minds for so long. Can horoscope matching guarantee a good marriage? Is kundli matching a must for marriage? The second question needs analysis from different angles.

What happens in Kundli matching?
During Kundli matching, the horoscopes of the bride and groom are matched to ascertain whether their married life will be happy and successful. The main task during Kundli matching is ashta-koota matching that considers 36 points among both the horoscopes. If 18 or more points match, it makes a good marriage and if the matches are below 18 points, then the marriage is not approved by astrology.
What is missed out in Kundli matching?
While the ashta-koota points are matched, several crucial factors like the quality of marriage life, lifespan of the bride or groom, planetary positions and the promise of children in both the horoscopes are ignored by most astrologers excepting a few. Combinations like afflicted 7th house and Venus and connection of the Lords of the 6th and 7th houses from the moon and birth horoscopes can indicate untoward happening and they should never be ignored. Hence, we cannot always assume that the horoscope matching is done perfectly by the astrologers.
Is kundli matching necessary for love marriages?
It is necessary to check the ashta koota matching when the two people looking forward to marry are not known to each other. As part of kundli matching the compatibility of their nature, sexual abilities, attitudes and tendencies are matched in order to check if they are the right partners. In love, two people come together and get to understand each other for a long time. Once a mutual understanding is established, there is hardly any reason for kundli matching for the above reasons.
The only points to be considered while matching horoscopes of love partners are the lifespan, chances for divorce, chances to get cheated, and possibilities of children. Beyond all these considerations, if both the partners come forward to unite despite all odds and challenges, then kundli matching hardly makes any sense.
The true essence of relationships
Every good relationship on this earth is based on mutual trust, love and understanding. One can never be happy with a forced marriage. If a horoscope has indications of divorce or mishaps, no amount of effort will help in getting a good match. Such mishaps are a result of the candidate’s karma and are therefore bound to happen at any cost.
How to overcome the harm of poor kundali match in love marriages
In order to avoid the impacts of poor kundli match in a love marriage, depending on your own anushtana bala (meritorious deeds), remedies and spiritual sadhana (spiritual activities) done from time to time. Give vent to your free will and believe in the power of destiny. Sustained efforts to understand your partner in the long run and going that extra mile to meet the needs of the other partner will help in achieving successful marriages.