Knowing About Mangal Dosha For Manglik Girl or Boy

Knowing About Mangal Dosha For Mangliks Girl or Boy

A person is said to be Manglik girl or boy when he is under the negative influence of the Mars planet. If Mars Planet comes in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th , 8th or 12th  place of the ascendant natal chart of one’s horoscope, the person is known to have Mangal Dosha in his or her Kundli. It is known by different names such as Bhom Dosha, Angaraaka Dosha & Kuja Dosha. There are 12 houses in one’s horoscope.

Mangal dosha has a more prominent criticalness with regards to marriage since it is a most crucial parameter to be considered at the time of horoscope matching. Horoscope must be properly analysed and checked for Mangal Dosha Effect, and compatibility must be guaranteed before concluding the marriage. Hence, on the off chance that one wishes to lead a prosperous marital life, position of Mars in the horoscope should be analyzed and checked completely.

Characteristics of Mangal Dosh

  • Any of the two being male or female may have Mangal Dosha
  • Mars is the planet of antagonism symbolizing self-discipline and certainty, so Mangliks are forceful and hot-tempered by nature.
    • Negatively, it implies narrow-mindedness, rivalry, disagreement, conflict, domain lastly calamity.
    • Fiery Mangaliks being manglik boys or girls have lots of vitality inside. This energy should be utilized properly; otherwise it may be converted to ill impacts.
  • Mangal dosha influences mental life and causes pressure and dissent in marriage.
    • It causes postponement in marriage
    • In a few cases, Mangaliks are misled into marriage
    • The impacts of mangal dosha are invalidated if the individual is born on Tuesday
    • Marriage between two Mangaliks likewise invalidates the evil effects
    • It is trusted that the individuals who had severely treated their parents in the past birth will have this dosha

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The ill effects of Mangal Dosha

  • When Mars is in the first house, clashes and viciousness in marriage are anticipated
    • When Mars is in the second house, it influences the individual’s family causing inconvenience in marriage and profession.
    • When Mars is placed in the fourth house, the individual is not able to get succeed on the professional front hence results in switching occupations
    • When Mars is in the seventh house, the abundant vitality inside makes the individual short-tempered. Association with relatives is practically impossible on account of the dominating nature.
    • When Mars is in the eighth house, being apart from elders, the individual loses the fatherly property.
    • When Mars is located in the tenth house, the individual experiences mental issue and acquires money related misfortunes other than having enemies.

Mangal Dosha:

Remedies to beat the evil impacts.

A man is said to have mangal dosha if Mars comes in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth place of his/her horoscope diagram. This condition is acceptable to have a contrary impact on the individual’s marital life causing disharmony and pressure in marriage, which thus brings about irritation and separation.

Know more about manglik or mangal dosha. Visit Our website.

There are sure approaches to avoid ill effects of Mangal Dosha

  1. Marriage to be held between two Manglik Persons or Manglik boy and manglik girl
    If both of the couple are Manglik, the ill effects gets diffused
  2. Kumbh Vivah
    The Manglik first marries a banana tree, a silver/gold icon of Lord Vishnu or Peepal tree. The negative impact gets avoided, and the Manglik can get married with no stress after having mangal Dhosha.
  3.  Fasting
    Tuesday Fasting is known to be an exceptionally spiritual cure. While fasting, Mangliks are just required to eat Toor daal.
  4. Chanting Mantras
    Chanting of Hanuman Chalisa on Tuesdays or Navgraha Mantra  can yield fruitful results. Reciting Gayatri manta 108 times each day is a better practice
  5. .Performing poojas in temples
    Going to Navagraha temples mitigates the adverse effects caused by mangal dosha for manglik girl or boy.
  6. Offerings
    Certain things like sword and knife are offered to appease Mars.
  7. Gemstones
    Stargazers encourage Manglik to wear a gold ring with a red coral on the ring finger of the right hand.
  8. Marriage after 28
    A Person being a Manglik girl or boy is suggested to get married after the age of 28 because the power of the dosha is lessened with age. Read More..