Kundali Milan & Gun Milan to Check Chances of Marriage

Kundali Milan & Gun Milan to Check Chances of Marriage

Well, Kundali matching or Kundali matching is an important concern to make when you decide to marry. Gun matching or Horoscope matching is the first step towards marriage. At that time, when parents decide to match the Kundais of the girl and the boy to ensure the couple is compatible.

That gun matching activity has been a part of India’s culture for 1000s of years now and continues to be so.

If you are planning to get married, and therefore looking for a horoscope matching with someone you have started liking, then Astrotalk can help you.

Kundali Matching for Marriage

Kundali matching is the Vedic astrology match of horoscope matching for marriage. Especially in India, where arranged marriages are common, kundali matching is the most important factor taken into consideration while moving forward with a marriage proposal. In Hindu marriage, matching kundalis of future bride and groom will let them know how stars influence their marriage. It helps to know what remedial measures need to be taken to ensure everlasting marital bliss.

In that case, Kundali matching input the birth details of the boy and girl in the form below. The result is based on the computing compatibility out of 36 points to marriage.

Kundali Milan or gun Milan & its importance

That is related to Planets and heavenly bodies having a profound influence on the lives of every individual. At that time, when marriage joins two people, it is important to confirm that they live compatibility in marital life. The cosmic bodies complement each other, resulting in peace, happiness, and harmony in marital life. That is the main purpose of matching Kundali for life compatibility with each other.

What happens during Kundali Milan?

The entire process of horoscope matching is related to Ashtakoot Milan in Vedic astrology. Well, Ashta means 8, and Kostas is one category. After that, these eight categories of parameters show various aspects of life. With the help of this, these eight parameters are measuring one’s compatibility with the other person. Individually these parameters carry few points, which in total make 36 guns. When the more Gunas match in your Kundali Milan, the more compatible you are with the other person in your life.


To that end, we all know that which Kundali Milan is important for every person life. With the help of horoscope matching, we ensure that one’s individual is compatible with another person. So we can say that Kundli matching is an ancient trend because it has been trending for years. In this article, we have discussed what is kundali and its importance in every person’s life. We at Mangliks.com help you to find your life partner. Visit our website: https://www.mangliks.com/