Manglik Matrimony kundli matching
Marriage is most important for everybody life. Talk to our astrologers for perfect life partner. our astrologers help you to find perfect life partner.
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What is Effect of Manglik Dosh on your Life?
This is one of the most talked about topic when it comes Indian astrology especially when it comes to deciding a marriage. In the process of manglik match making or Kundli matching , even if all the attributes match and there is a Manglik dosha in either of girl or boy’s Kundli , the marriage of such people is considered inappropriate and in some conservative society it is even considered inauspicious.
What causes Manglik Dosh?
Manglik Dosh which is also known as Kuja Dosh is formed when the planet Mars is placed in either ascendant or the First House , House of happiness and mental peace which is the Fourth House or in the House of Marriage or Seventh House , House of Longevity or the eighth house or House of expenditure or Twelfth House.
Effects of Manglik dosh / Khuja Dosh
- Manglik Dosh can cause the following effects :
- Delay in marriage
- Problems in married life
- Disputes and Quarrel in married life
- Divorce
- Mismatch in way of thinking and opinions
- Death of spouse
Apart from this Manglik dosh and Khuja Dosh can also lead to delay in some important aspects of life like:
- Education
- Profession
- Progress in Career
- Child Birth
Online manglik Kundli matching service by is one of the Best Matrimony site in India, offers services like Kundali Vishleshan services online. Get your accurate Kundali made immediately by Mangliks by filling in certain data such as your name, date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. It shall be complete and accurate Your Kundali made by Mangliks, one of the Best Matrimonial in India, will let you know about the undiscovered facts about you. You will discover the chances of hurdles yourself- regarding your personality, character, mindset, family, manglik marriage and you can overcome the difficulties through appropriate remedies.
Name: Harish Kumar
Phone: 097186 13612
Address: 605, 6th Floor, West End Mall, Janakpuri District Center, Janakpuri, New Delhi, Delhi 110058