The Principles of a Hindu Manglik Matrimonial
Hindu scriptures recognize a husband and a wife has two halves of a single divine body. With the intention of a lifelong union between a man and a woman, a Manglik matrimonial is a ceremony which joins two lives together so that they can continue leading a life of respect, harmony and love. The union signifies their journey where they promise to stay together in happy as well as tough times and promise each other to pursue their worldly duties in sync with each other’s common goals. The crux of an Indian Manglik Matrimonial is sacrifice for the other person’s happiness.

The ideals of Artha, Dharma, Kama and Moksha
Manglik Matrimonial ceremonies preach the concepts of Artha, Dharma, Kama and Moksha. Artha talks about one’s physical possessions; Dharma typically means duty. It is believed that both the husband and wife in a Hindu marriage must pursue their duties while they lead their marital life together. Kama refers to physical pleasures and Moksha means the release of one’s spirit from all worldly affairs.
The above mentioned ideals are the key to a successful marriage and the Indian scriptures urge every married couple to implement them in their own lives. When a man and a woman attain union through marriage, they are able to together gather wealth in the form of financial riches, intellect and emotional strength which allows them to pursue healthy lives and also create a healthy family together.
The intimate connection that a man and woman achieve is able to manifest into the universal law of procreation, through the birth of their children. And finally, every manglik matrimonial leads towards Moksha, which is a spiritual release of one’s soul from the physical body.
The Role of a Husband and a Wife in a Hindu marriage
Even the roles a husband and wife play in a Hindu marriage take influences from the ideals mentioned above. The promises that a bride and groom make for each other revolve around the concept of sacrifice, love, respect, and faith. Based on these principles, Indian brides and grooms are able to create themselves a life of love and happiness.