Timings and Place Of Meeting Of Spouse In Astrology
If you are a male, you need to look for the placement of Venus in your birth chart. If you are a female, you need to look for the placement of Jupiter in your birth chart.
After careful reading of the placement of The House of Jupiter and Venus in the birth chart can help you to tell about the spouse.

Jupiter or Venus in 1st House
You could meet your future spouse in a party, a family function, gym, spa, salon, matrimonial site or social gathering where your physical presence is required. You may also meet your spouse even on some social networking site. Your physical appearance and attributes will play a great role in deciding your potential life partner.
Jupiter or Venus in 2nd House
As the Second House signifies family, you may find and meet your future spouse in family meetings or via family members. Note that money is also represented by Second House so your partner is very likely to be attracted to your monetary status or wealth.
Jupiter or Venus in 3rd House
You could find your partner while traveling, during office meetings, in office, on social networking site or college or via some office colleagues.
Jupiter or Venus in 4th House
As the Fourth House is related to the mother, transport and agriculture, you are likely to meet your spouse your own house or via mother or via a member from your maternal relative side. You can also meet while travel or via land dealing. You can also meet your life partner in young age or while pursuing your education.
Jupiter or Venus in 5th House
You could meet your future spouse via politics, entertainment & arts, literature or public gathering where arts or power is an important aspect.
Jupiter or Venus in 6th House
This is tricky. As the Sixth House is the House of debt and disease. You could meet your spouse in hopsital or thinsg related to health and banking. You may also meet your spouse via sport events or your maternal relatives. Someone who is sick, debt-ridden and suffering from ailments will play a vital role in finding your spouse.
Jupiter or Venus in 7th House
You will meet your spouse via partnerships (business) or financial contracts and legal places or legal procedures. Your ability to handle business and legal matters will play a vital role.
Jupiter or Venus in 8th House
Eight House is the House of hidden things, secrets and in-laws. Your spouse will come out of a sudden via in-laws. Chances of finding partner normally is very difficult for such people. Stay attentive to things which are often neglected or kept hidden, like in-laws relatives or your future spouse will be attracted to your hidden assets or talent.
Jupiter or Venus in 9th House
You will meet your spouse while higher studies, at religious places of worship, via some guru or an elderly people. Long distance travels can also be a possibility to meet your spouse.
Jupiter or Venus in 10th House
You will meet your spouse via father or his relatives, mother-in-law, via boss or a leader at work place. Chances are you could meet your future spouse in office or while doing business. Your father could play an important role in meeting your spouse. Shops or places of entertainment can also play an important role.
Jupiter or Venus in 11th House
You will meet your future spouse via acts of friendships or networking contacts, parties organised by friends or through your friendly contacts. It also shows that already known contact turns out to be your future spouse.
Jupiter or Venus in 12th House
Foreign trip, paternal relatives and religious & meditation places will be strong possible place to meet your future spouse. Charity events or places away from your birth-place will play a vital role in meeting your spouse.