What is Better? Arranged or Love Marriage?

What is Better? Arranged or Love Marriage?

Marriage is something that has frequently been a bone of contention. Anyone who has reached the “marriageable age” is subjected to constant questioning regarding different marriage related issues. Would you like to get married or not? When should u get married? Should you choose love or arranged marriage? We have frequently heard or participated in the debate over this topic without reaching any fruitful conclusion. Quite frankly, there are pros and cons to both aspects of marriage. Manglik.com, one of the leading providers of Manglik Matrimonial Services in Delhi lists some of the important aspects of both these ways of finding your soulmate.

The debate between arranged marriages and love marriages is multifaceted, with each type offering its own set of advantages and challenges. The preference for one over the other often depends on cultural, social, and personal factors.

Here’s an exploration of both, highlighting the unique benefits and potential drawbacks to help understand what might be better in different contexts:

Arranged Marriages


  1. Cultural and Familial Support
    • Arranged marriages often come with the backing and blessings of both families, providing a strong support system. This support can be crucial in navigating the initial years of marriage and fostering a sense of community.
  2. Compatibility and Stability
    • Families involved in arranged marriages typically consider compatibility factors such as socioeconomic status, education, religion, and cultural background. This thorough vetting process can lead to more stable unions with shared values and expectations.
  3. Lower Expectations
    • In arranged marriages, individuals often enter the union with realistic expectations, understanding that love and emotional bonding can develop over time. This can lead to a more patient and tolerant approach to resolving conflicts.
  4. Extended Family Involvement
    • Since arranged marriages involve families from the beginning, the couple benefits from the wisdom and experience of their elders. This involvement can also strengthen family ties and create a broader support network.
  5. Societal Acceptance
    • In cultures where arranged marriages are the norm, such unions are more socially accepted. This acceptance can reduce societal pressure and judgment, contributing to a more harmonious marriage.


  1. Lack of Personal Choice
    • The most significant drawback of arranged marriages can be the lack of personal choice. Individuals might feel pressured to marry someone they don’t know well or might not have chosen themselves.
  2. Potential for Mismatched Expectations
    • Despite the best efforts to ensure compatibility, arranged marriages can still result in mismatched expectations and personalities, leading to potential conflicts.
  3. Evolving Societal Norms
    • As societies modernize, the concept of arranged marriages might clash with individualistic values, leading to generational conflicts and misunderstandings.

Love Marriages


  1. Personal Choice and Freedom
    • Love marriages are based on personal choice, allowing individuals to marry someone they genuinely love and connect with. This personal freedom can lead to higher levels of satisfaction and happiness.
  2. Emotional Connection
    • The foundation of love marriages is often a strong emotional connection and mutual affection, which can enhance intimacy and understanding between partners.
  3. Shared Interests and Goals
    • Couples in love marriages often have a shared vision for their future, with aligned interests and goals. This alignment can foster cooperation and mutual support.
  4. Modern Compatibility
    • Love marriages align with modern values of individualism and personal happiness. They offer a more contemporary approach to relationships, resonating with current societal norms.
  5. Flexibility and Adaptability
    • Individuals in love marriages typically know each other well before tying the knot, making it easier to navigate changes and adapt to each other’s needs and preferences.


  1. High Expectations
    • Love marriages can come with high expectations for romance and fulfillment. When reality doesn’t match these expectations, it can lead to disappointment and dissatisfaction.
  2. Less Family Involvement
    • Without the initial involvement of families, couples might lack the extended support system that is often present in arranged marriages. This can be particularly challenging during conflicts or crises.
  3. Impetuous Decisions
    • Love marriages can sometimes be based on infatuation rather than long-term compatibility. Decisions made in the heat of passion might overlook practical considerations essential for a lasting union.
  4. Pressure to Conform
    • In cultures where arranged marriages are prevalent, couples in love marriages might face societal pressure and judgment, leading to stress and conflict.


There is no definitive answer to whether arranged or love marriages are better, as each has its unique benefits and challenges. The success of a marriage depends on various factors, including mutual respect, understanding, communication, and commitment, regardless of how the marriage begins.

  • For those who value family involvement and cultural traditions, arranged marriages can provide a supportive and stable environment.
  • For those who prioritize personal choice and emotional connection, love marriages offer the freedom to marry based on love and shared interests.

Ultimately, the best type of marriage is one where both partners are committed to making it work, are willing to grow together, and are supportive of each other’s aspirations and dreams.