The importance of Horoscope Matching for marriage/shaadi
The Main importance of Matchmaking for Shaadi is Selection of a right Life Partner. Shaadi/Marriage is a turning point in the lives of two individuals and their families. So We are very cautious while taking decision about our Life Partner. When We take birth, the planets position in the sky indicates lot of things , including our Marriage. So Matching of Horoscope, prepared from date of birth, will give us a clue about how our Married Life will be and What is most suitable time for Shaadi etc.

If we use Astrology in a proper way, We will be able to increase the happiness of our Married Life. That is why many people in India consult an astrologer for Mangliks Match Making between bride and brides and grooms. Matching of charts or Match Making for marriage is not an easy job. It needs a lot of hard work indeed. It can only be possible if you have many years of practical experience as well as a better understanding about the Astrology.
So what is the importance of Matchmaking in marriage? What does it say? Is it really important? Let me explain what role Astrology has to play in a person’s married life and why Matchmaking is important for us.
How compatible are the Stars of the two Souls
One major reason for the Matchmaking before Shaadi/marriage is to understand how compatible the brides and grooms are. If two persons are not compatible with each other, If their nature and character is completely different, it becomes very tough for them to Stay together for a Long period of time. As per our Vedic Astrology, there are 36 Guna in total which Should be matched to conclude how compatible the two people are and how prosperous and harmonious their life after marriage will be. Each of the Guna has different points and each point indicates a different factor of life. It also indicates the effects of their individual stars and destinies on each other. By mangliks matching kundali or Manglik Horoscope we can also determine conjugal harmony.
Financial Stability and Career Prospects
When two people unite in the sacred relationship of Shaadi/Marriage, the movement of their planets has an effect not only on their lives, but on each other’s lives too. By manglik matching kundli, financial stability and job prospects are also looked into with great care. Financial Stability plays an important Role in our Life. Hence the Luck and fortune of Boy as well as Girl Should be properly analysed.
Compatibility to bear Offspring
The Married Life do not become complete without a child. So with Horoscope matching we can come to know that whether both the Boys or Girls has the Yoga for child or not. During the time of Matchmaking child or Progeny should be checked Very carefully. Some People do have Child Yoga in their chart. In Such Situation if they can marry such a Person who is having a Strong Yoga for Child, the couple can get the happiness of child. Since a family is considered complete only after the birth of a child, parents are very particular to secure this happiness for their children after marriage.
Is this a Good time to perform the Shaadi
It is Possible that Sometime Everything is fine , Horoscopes are also Perfectly Matched, But the Time is not Favorable. The result or Outcome of any task performed in Unfavorable time is bound to be unfavorable.
Why Mangliks Should Marry A Manglik Only –
Ms.Kaamini Khanna Our Mangliks Astro Guru Explains The Effects Of Manglik Dosh And Why Mangliks Should Marry A Manglik Only.