What the Experts Say About Manglik Dosha Remedies
Manglik Dosha is an astrological condition that is believed to negatively impact the marital life of a person in several ways. This astrological combination takes place in cases when Mars is in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of the ascendant chart in Vedic astrology. Any one who is born in such circumstances is considered a “manglik”.
Common Fears about Marrying a Person with this Dosha:
- This condition is deemed to create delays, infidelity, hurdles and obstacles in a marital relationship.
- Some also believe that marrying a person with this Dosha causes physical, emotional, mental and financial problems and even premature death of one of the spouses.
- Many families fear disputes and allegations that lead to marriages falling apart.
What the Experts Say:
In spite of this, there is no need to be wary of marrying a person with a Manglik Dosha. There are simple solutions to nullify the negative effects of the condition. Some leading astrologers recommend the following remedies:
- The negativity of this condition is attributed to the ‘fiery’ nature of the planet Mars. It is believed that if a person with this dosha in the astrological chart is born on a Tuesday, the negative effects can get cancelled itself.
- It is also believed that, when two mangliks marry each other the negative consequences are cancelled out and the couple can lead a comfortable and happy life. The couple can easily attain mutual happiness, health, wealth, and children.
- To ward off the effects of a this dosha, one is recommended to fast from Tuesday sunrise to Wednesday sunrise. Consuming liquids such as milk, tea, coffee, fruit juice, and yogurt is permitted as long as the liquids are without salt. One can consume jaggery, ghee and wheat bread after sunset and after conducting a pooja with Pachopachara by drawing a triangle with red kumkum.
- It is also recommended that a person with this dosha recites the Mangala Chandika Strotra for 108 days, 21 times a day. The Gayatri Mantra can also be chanted for the same time period.
- Many astrologers believe that reciting the Hanuman Chalisa daily also gives positive results.
- Success is achieved and all wishes will be fulfilled if the Tulsi Ramcharitmanas is recited from a Tuesday, for 40 days.
- After having your horoscope read, many astrologers may recommend a this Dosha to wear a blood red coral and gold ring on the ring finger of the right hand.
- If health permits, you can donate blood on a Tuesday once every three months.
- Some astrologers also suggest that you donate red clothes to laborers who work with sharp iron materials.
As a Manglik Dosha you are free to choose either one or a combination of these remedies. Make sure you take appropriate guidance and do not undergo any rituals or fasts without complete understanding of its consequences. Provided your principals in life are full of humility and integrity, you are bound to find yourself a perfect match that will help you lead a fulfilling and happy marital life.